The St. John of Rila Work and Pray Youth Pilgrimage to Bulgaria
August 7-22, 2012 - Ages 18-30
Fifteen days in Bulgaria, a country with a rich Orthodox heritage, a distinct beautiful culture, a painful recent history of struggle under the communist yoke, and the mother country of our diocese. Come and see the ancient roots. Allow your mind and heart to be expanded by diving into a new culture!
This pilgrimage is a program of the Bulgarian Orthodox Youth Apostolate, with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph.
• Several days in historic Sofia, the capital city
• Ancient Rila Monastery and the Cave-dwelling of St. John of Rila
• A visit back in time to Dedo Vladiko Josephs home-village and Troyan, his monastery
• A weekend excursion by the exotic Black Sea!
• Practicing the love of God and love for neighbors by working to complete greatly
needed facilities at the St. Nicholas Orphanage, at Rojen Monastery and other
service opportunities
• $950 for basic costs while in Bulgaria. Transportation arrangements to and from
Sofia, Bulgaria must be made by each participant individually and are not included
in the trip cost For more information and to register for the pilgrimage, go to: